“I have not – I have not – I have not intentionally visited schools that are under-performing.”
—Betsy DeVos, on her commitment to underprivileged public schools.
Secretary of Education
Feb. 7, 2017 –
As a member of the 88th richest family in America with substantial ties to debt-collection companies and for-profit colleges, it may come as no surprise that Betsy DeVos is married to the former CEO of a multi-level marketing company (‘multi-level marketing’ being the term for what is effectively a legal pyramid scheme). Her nomination to head the Department of Education was so controversial that for the first time in U.S. history, a tie-breaking vote by the Vice President was required in the Senate to confirm a cabinet nominee.
Betsy DeVos’ time in public service – if it can be called that – has consisted exclusively of punching down at the disadvantaged and less fortunate. From outrageous attempts to end U.S. funding for the Special Olympics and reducing grants for special needs children, to reversing Obama-era college fraud protections and dismantling for-profit college fraud investigation units, DeVos’ has shown that her primary interests are her interests.
Estimate net worth (2016): $2,000,000,000+
Betsy DeVos | ProPublica: Trump Town
- After a judge ordered DeVos to process a backlog of 160,000 loan forgiveness requests for potentially defrauded students, DeVos set about rejecting 94% of all requests – many apparently without having been properly reviewed.
Judge slams DeVos for rejecting 94% of loan relief claims | Associated Press (10.21.20)
- Under investigation for potentially violating the Hatch Act by using Department of Education’s YouTube channel to promote a Fox News interview in which she publicly bashed her parties political rival, Joe Biden.
DeVos under investigation for potentially violating Hatch Act because of Fox News interview | POLITICO (9.21.20)
- Implemented new rules for how the Department of Education would handle sexual assault and harassment charges for K-12 schools and colleges; including new requirements that victims provide formal, signed statements upon reporting, potentially discouraging legitimate victims.
Devos introduces rule making it harder for child abuse victims come forward at school | The Independent (3.6.20)
- DeVos renewed a recently shuttered accrediting agency, which promptly accredited an apparently non-existent college called the Reagan National University.
DeVos Allowed Group to Accredit College with ‘No Students, Faculty, Classrooms’ | Law & Crime (2.17.20)
- Enacted a new policy for approving student debt relief claims; policy reduces forgiveness availability to defrauded students, replacing Obama-era policy of providing full relief to defrauded students.
DeVos rolls out new method for approving student debt relief claims | Washington Post (12.10.19)
- Secretary of Education DeVos was fined $100,000 after refusing to cease debt collections on defrauded students of the now bankrupt Corinthian College Inc.
DeVos is fined $100,000 for failing to forgive student debt | Los Angeles Times (10.25.19)
- DeVos claimed that the 29 programs slated for elimination or funding reduction (including grants to benefit the blind and deaf students) had either “achieved their original purpose, duplicate others… or are unable to demonstrate effectiveness”. DeVos also proposed cutting the entire Departments budget by 10%, amounting to $7 billion less in funding.
Betsy Devos still struggling to explain cuts to Special Olympics funding | Vox (3.28.19)
- DeVos attempted to replace the Acting Inspector General of the Education Department, whose purpose is to serve as an independent watchdog investigating allegations of wrongdoing within the department, in order to prevent an investigation into DeVos’ own actions to protect an accreditor of for-profit colleges.
Request for Info Regarding DeVos Attempt to Undermine Department Watchdog | HCOR (2.19.19)
- DeVos personally halted internal investigations into abuses by for-profit colleges, dismantling and reassigning members of the investigatory team, even going so far as naming the former dean of the now defunct DeVry university as supervisor of the team investigating DeVry.
Education Department Unwinds Unit Investigation Fraud at For-Profits | New York Times (5.13.18)
- Out of 40 companies bidding on a $400M Department of Education debt-collection contract, only two were selected – one of which has significant ties to Secretary DeVos.
DoE awards debt-collection contract to company with ties to DeVos | Washington Post (1.12.18)
- Rescinded 72 guidance documents from clarifying students’ rights, including how allotted federal funding could be spent on special education and rehabilitation needs.
DeVos rescinds 72 guidance documents outlining rights for disabled students | Washington Post (10.21.17)
Healthcare, Puerto Rico Aid, Special Olympics: Everything Must Go! | The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (3.27.19)
Image credit: Gage Skidmore