Alexander Acosta

Status: Departed

A former U.S. attorney of Florida, Acosta may best be known for having granted the infamous underage sex-trafficking billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, an appallingly generous plea deal in 2008.


Secretary of Labor
Apr. 28, 2017 – July 19, 2019


Acosta chose to toss out a 53-page indictment after engaging in secret (and potentially illegal) negotiations with Epstein after accusations of trafficking underage girls in 2008.


When Epstein was arrested again in 2019 by the FBI on sex trafficking charges, public outrage over Acosta’s favorable treatment of the wealthy criminal was renewed with fervor, ultimately leading to his resignation as Trumps Secretary of Labor.


Despite prosecutors having identified at least 36 victims, the majority were kept ignorant of the non-prosecution agreement and denied the opportunity to contest it. Even more unusual, the agreement also provided protection for certain unnamed “potential co-conspirators” from federal prosecution.




  • While labor secretary, Acosta proposed reducing funding for the agency that combats child sex trafficking and sexual exploitation by a staggering 80% – a cut that would end several programs that protect and counter child sex trafficking.
Trump labor secretary Acosta plans to slash funds for sex trafficking victims | The Guardian (7.10.19)


  • The 2008 plea deal Acosta granted Epstein was found to be a violation of the Crime Victims’ Rights Act by not informing victims until after the deal had been brokered in private.
Acosta Defends His Role in Brokering Jeffrey Epstein Plea Deal | New York Times (7.10.19)


  • Acosta deal allowed Epstein, after only 3 ½ months of his 18 months sentence, to leave jail 12 hours a day, six days a week on “work release” – violating the sheriff’s own policies forbidding sex offenders from such a privilege.
Even from jail, Epstein manipulated the system. His victims were kept in the dark | Miami Herald (6.30.08)




Jeffrey Epstein’s Got Friends in High Places | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee (7.17.19)



Image credit: Gage Skidmore