Nancy B. Beck

Status: Occupying

Just prior to being appointed to head Chemical Safety at the EPA, Nancy Beck served as an executive at the American Chemistry Council – the chemical industry’s primary trade association.


Deputy Assistant Administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency
Head of Consumer Product Safety Commission
Apr. 28, 2017 –


True to her roots, among her first actions in the administration was to rewrite a rule relating to the chemical better known as PFOA which is known to cause, among other health problems, kidney cancer, birth defects, and immune system disorders. The rule was rewritten to make it more difficult to track  negative health effects that result from PFOA exposure in order to reduce public concern – and thus reduce regulation and accountability surrounding the chemicals use.


Nancy B. Beck | ProPublica: Trump Town
Nancy B. Beck | OpenSecrets




  • Former lobbyist at the American Chemistry Council, a lobbying group for the chemical industry with history of combating chemical regulations.


  • Spearheaded the effort to rollback regulations on chemicals like the toxic pesticide chlorpyrifos, a commonly used toxin capable of causing brain damage to children.
Trump’s tweets distract us from the biggest scandal of all | Washington Post (5.8.18)


  • A confidential internal memo written by the Office of Water’s top official and obtained by the New York Times stresses that the alterations made by deputy administer Nancy Beck could result in an “underestimation of the potential risks to human health and the environment”.
An Industry Insider Helps Call the Shots at EPA | New York Times (10.21.17)