Former state attorney general, long-time Donald Trump ally, and member of the Presidents impeachment defense team, Pam Bondi is no stranger to scandals – particularly as they relate to Donald Trump.
Special Advisor to the President
Nov. 1, 2019 –
While serving as Florida’s attorney general in 2013, Bondi was given the opportunity to join several other state AG’s in a lawsuit against the now-defunct, fraudulent Trump University. But just days after announced she would review whether or not to join the lawsuit (and just days after receiving an illegal $25,000 donation from the Donald J. Trump Foundation), Bondi announced her office would not be joining the lawsuit.
- In a violation of tax laws forbidding registered nonprofits from making political donations, Trump donated $25,000 to Pam Bondi from his ‘charitable’ foundation, the Donald J. Trump Foundation.
Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general | Washington Post (9.1.16)
- Months after Bondi made the announcement to forego investigating Trump University, Trump held a fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago for her re-election at $3,000 a person and raising at least $50,000.
New Records Shed Light on Donald Trump’s $25,000 Gift to Florida Official | New York Times (9.14.16)
- The Church of Scientology organized multiple fundraisers on Bondi’s behalf, which she defended by claiming the group wanted to ‘crack down on human trafficking’ – at the time, FBI were investigating it specifically for alleged of human trafficking and labor abuse.
Donald Trump, Pam Bondi, and the Church of Scientology | Tampa Bay Beat (10.6.16)
- Implicated in the Trump-Ukraine scandal through her association with Lev Parnas, who claims to have met with her on at least two occasions.
Pic of Bondi and Lev Parnas emerges after she joins impeachment defense | Tampa Bay Times (1.17.20)
- Also while serving as Florida’s AG, Bondi pushed for two attorneys to back-off on investigating a technology company that had contributed to her re-election campaign.
Bondi under fire after LPS-related resignations | Jacksonville (7.29.11)
Did Donald Trump Bribe the Florida Attorney General? | The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (9.6.16)