Stephen Miller

Status: Occupying

“Am I the only one who is sick and tired of being told to pick up my trash when we have plenty of janitors who are paid to do it for us?!”

—Stephen Miller, when running for student government in high school.


Senior Advisor to the President (Policy)
Jan. 20, 2017 –


The architect of such flagrantly racist immigration policies as the administrations “zero tolerance” family separation policy and Muslim travel ban, Stephen Miller’s persona is a sure fit in the Trump administration.


Miller is also Trump’s most notable speechwriter, aiding in the creation of such unhinged classics as Trump’s inaugural address and co-authoring the letter that dictated the firing of James Comey.




  • Authored a series of outlandish re-election talking points for Trump which included claims that Joe Biden “will surrender America and its citizens to the violent left-wing mob” and “let terrorists roam free” and intended to“abolish the American Way of Life.
From ‘Sleepy Joe’ to a destroyer of the ‘American way of life,’ Trump’s attacks on Biden make a dystopian shift | Washington Post (7.18.20)


  • Miller managed to implement immigration’s rules aimed at disqualifying poor green-card applicants who my seek public assistance for any duration.
‘All The Best People’ | New York Times (8.17.19)


  • Leaked emails from Miller to the editors of Breitbart highlight his focus matters of nonwhite immigration and nonwhite offenses.
Stephen Miller’s Affinity for White Nationalism Revealed in Leaked Emails | SPLC (11.2.19)


  • Suppressed a Department of Health and Human Services study that showed refugees had a net positive effect on the economy; instead delivering to the president a three-page list of federal assistance programs refugees were eligible.
Stoking Fears, Trump Defied Bureaucracy to Advance Immigration Agenda | New York Times (12.23.17)


  • The Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general found, in regard to Trump and Millers migrant-family separation policy, that “the total number of children separated by immigration authorities is unknown”.
The Invisible Children of the Trump Administration | The Atlantic (1.18.19)


  • Suggested that immigrant detainees be released into sanctuary cities or the districts of Trump’s political rivals.
Proposed releasing immigrant detainees in sanctuary cities, targeting political foes | Washington Post (4.11.19)


  • Often perpetuates the conspiracy-theory* that massive electoral fraud is committed by Democrats busing in masses of voters and immigrants to vote Democrat.
*bald-faced lie
Stephen Miller repeats baseless claim of illegal voting | PolitiFact (2.2.17)




The Check In: Stephen Miller’s Anti-Immigration Policies| Late Night with Seth Meyers (10.3.18)



Image credit: Gage Skidmore