U.S. Postmaster General

Status: Occupying

Louis DeJoy

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Director of National Intelligence

Status: Departed

Richard Grenell

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Special Advisor to the President

Status: Occupying

Pam Bondi

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Attorney General of the United States

Status: Occupying

William Barr

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Secretary of the Interior

Status: Departed

Ryan Zinke

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Administrator of the EPA

Status: Occupying

Andrew Wheeler

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Administrator of the EPA

Status: Departed

Scott Pruitt

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Attorney General of the United States

Status: Departed

Matt Whitaker

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Secretary of Homeland Security

Status: Departed

John Kelly

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Director of the Centers for Disease Control

Status: Departed

Brenda Fitzgerald

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Under Sec. of Commerce of NOAA (Nom.)

Status: Departed

Barry Lee Myers

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Vice Chair of the Commission on Election Intergrity

Status: Departed

Kris Kobach

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Head of Chemical Safety (EPA)

Status: Occupying

Nancy B. Beck

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Secretary of Labor

Status: Departed

Alexander Acosta

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Secretary of Housing and Urban Hands

Status: Occupying

Ben Carson

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Secretary of Commerce

Status: Occupying

Wilbur Ross

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Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Status: Departed

Mick Mulvaney

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Secretary of Health & Human Services

Status: Departed

Tom Price

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Secretary of Education

Status: Occupying

Betsy DeVos

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Secretary of Transportation

Status: Occupying

Elaine Chao

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National Security Advisor

Status: Departed

Michael Flynn

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Senior Advisor to the President

Status: Occupying

Jared Kushner

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Senior Advisor to the President

Status: Occupying

Stephen Miller

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Spiritual Adviser to the President

Status: Occupying

Paula White

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Special Advisor on Regulatory Reform

Status: Departed

Carl Icahn

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Campaign Manager

Status: Departed

Roger Stone

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