Status: Unfavorable

Toxic Perchlorate Contamination Limits

Environment, Health

Blocked the introduction of new water contamination limits of chemical in linked to fetal and infant brain damage.

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Status: Unfavorable

Healthcare Nondiscrimination Provisions

Health, Womens Rights
Low Blow, Obama-era Reversal

Reversed healthcare discrimination-protections for individuals on the basis of sex or gender.

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Status: Unfavorable

Mercury & Air Toxics Standards

Environment, Health
Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

A weakening of regulations addressing the emission of mercury, arsenic, and other toxic air pollutants from coal- and oil-fired power plants.

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Status: Contested

Scientific Transparency Rule

Environment, Health
Deregulatory, Polluting

Restrictions on the EPA’s ability to consider public health studies when creating regulations – including regulations directly concerning public health.

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Status: Unfavorable

Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) Regulations

Climate Change, Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal

Rescinded regulations on the release of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) – a group of greenhouse gasses with 1000’s of times the global warming potential of CO2 in the near-term.

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Status: Unfavorable

National Monument Reductions

Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

The largest rollback of publicly protected lands in U.S history.

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Status: Unfavorable

Restrictions on Landmine Use

Health, Other
Deregulatory, Low Blow, Obama-era Reversal

Reversed restrictions on the use of anti-personnel landmines.

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Status: Unfavorable

Child Nutrition Programs

Deregulatory, Executive Order, Obama-era Reversal

Proposals to weaken nutritional standards for school lunches and school-provided meal programs in low-income areas.

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Status: Unfavorable

Energy Efficiency Standards

Environment, Finance
Climate Change, Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

Blocked new energy efficiency standards for light bulbs, other consumer products, and certain industrial equipment.

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Status: Unfavorable

Power Plant Toxic-Water Discharge

Environment, Health
Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

Blocked a rule that would’ve limited the discharge of metal neurotoxins and other pollutants from power plants directly into public waterways.

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Status: Favorable

Cyanide Traps in Wildlife Control

Environment, Health

Reauthorized the use of indiscriminate M-44 cyanide traps to kill predatory animals; rapidly backpedaled following public outcry.

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Status: Unfavorable

Coal Ash Rule

Environment, Health
Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

Weakened regulations for the storage and disposal of toxic coal waste.

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Status: Unfavorable

Endangered Species Act Revisions

Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal

Revisions weakening the effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act and it’s ability to list threatened species.

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Status: Unfavorable

Toxic Pesticide Chlorpyrifos

Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

Rejected a ban on the toxic crop-pesticide chlorpyrifos – exposure to which increases the risk of developing learning disabilities and can delay and reduce IQ’s.

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Status: Contested

Radiation Exposure Limits

Environment, Health, Labor
Low Blow

The scientific consensus on exposure to ionizing radiation has long held that no ‘risk-free threshold’ exists, and that even low doses can increase an individual’s risk of developing cancer.

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Status: Unfavorable

Civilian Airstrike-Casualty Reporting

Executive Order, Obama-era Reversal

An executive order revoking a requirement that civilization casualties that result from U.S. airstrikes be reported.

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Status: Favorable

Equal Pay Rule

Labor, Womens Rights
Obama-era Reversal

Attempt to block the implementation of an Obama-era rule requiring large companies report employee pay data based on race and gender.

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Status: Favorable

LPR’s in the Military

Low Blow

The Trump administration attempted to institute a policy to discriminate against Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) serving in the U.S. military.

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Status: Favorable

Whale, Dolphin, and Turtle Bycatch Limits


Attempted to withdraw protections for several species of whale, dolphin, and turtles by eliminating limits on accidental deaths (or ‘bycatch’) by fishing.

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Status: Unfavorable

National Ocean & Great Lakes Policy

Deregulatory, Executive Order, Obama-era Reversal

Revocation of President Obama’s “Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coast, and the Great Lakes” executive order.

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Status: Unfavorable

Net Neutrality

Deregulatory, Low Blow, Obama-era Reversal

Repealed the Open Internet Rule and Net Neutrality in favor of a ‘voluntary commitment’ by internet service providers to the principle.

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Status: Unfavorable

Media-Broadcast Monopoly Ban


Repealed Federal Communication Commission (FCC) rules preventing a single company from owning all broadcast stations and media outlets in any location.

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Status: Unfavorable

Fracking Chemical Disclosure

Environment, Health
Deregulatory, Executive Order, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

Repealed a rule requiring oil & gas companies to disclose what chemicals they inject into the ground when fracking on public lands.

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Status: Unfavorable

Arbitration Rule

Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal

Created to help protect consumers by providing a means of legal recourse against abuse by large financial institutions, the arbitration rule banned certain companies from the use of ‘mandatory arbitration’ clauses in their consumer contracts.

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Status: Favorable

Dental Mercury Effluent Rule

Environment, Health
Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

Tried to rescind a rule addressing the 8,000+lbs of mercury flushed into public water treatment facilities by dental offices annually.

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Status: Unfavorable

Internet Privacy Rule

Deregulatory, Low Blow, Obama-era Reversal

Created in the last months of the Obama administration, the Internet Privacy Rule would require telecommunications carriers obtain approval from customers prior to using or sharing their information.

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Status: Unfavorable

Stream Protection Rule

Environment, Health
Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal, Polluting

Repealed a rule aimed at reducing surface and ground water pollution resulting from ‘mountaintop removal’ coal extraction.

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Status: Unfavorable

Firearm Prohibition for the Mentally Disabled

Deregulatory, Obama-era Reversal

Repealed an amendment to the 2008 NICS Act which strengthened firearm prohibitions for potentially mentally unfit individuals.

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Status: Unfavorable

Global Gag Rule

Health, Womens Rights
Deregulatory, Low Blow, Obama-era Reversal

A revolving policy instituted by every Republican president since Reagan and revoked by every subsequent Democrat, the Global Gag Rule is a policy of cutting off U.S. aid to organizations that “perform or promote abortion”.

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