Civilian Airstrike-Casualty Reporting

Status: Unfavorable

An executive order revoking a requirement that civilization casualties that result from U.S. airstrikes be reported.


Reverses an executive order by President Obama which required the publishing of an annual report of air strike conducted by the U.S. military and CIA, and an assessment of the resulting military and civilian deaths.



Mar. 11th, 2019  REPEALED

Reporting requirement repealed by President Trump’s executive order 13862.

Executive Order 13862 | Brookings Deregulation Tracker




Trump scraps requirement to report some air strikes | POLITICO (3.6.19)
Trump Revokes Obama-Era Rule on Disclosing Civilian Casualties From U.S. Airstrikes Outside War Zones | New York Times (3.6.19)



Image credit: Ibrahem Qasim