Fracking Chemical Disclosure

Status: Unfavorable

Repealed a rule requiring oil & gas companies to disclose what chemicals they inject into the ground when fracking on public lands.


As part of a sweeping executive order issued by Trump to review and eliminate fossil fuel industry regulations (under the guise of ‘promoting energy independence’), Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke had the rule rescinded because he claimed simply sharing such information would be “too burdensome” on oil & gas companies.



Dec. 29th, 2017  REPEALED

Oil and Gas Fracking Rule | Brookings Deregulation Tracker




  • Environmental activists argue that rules surrounding such matters have not been updated for nearly 40 years – long before modern fracking was developed and widespread.
To round out a year of rollbacks, the Trump administration just repealed key regulations on fracking | Washington Post (12.29.17)