Internet Privacy Rule

Status: Unfavorable

Created in the last months of the Obama administration, the Internet Privacy Rule would require telecommunications carriers obtain approval from customers prior to using or sharing their information.


The rule further prohibited companies from making the ‘surrender of one’s privacy rights’ a condition of receiving services, and that consent must be acquired if offering financial incentives to use a customer confidential information.


However, despite the rule’s broad public popularity, bi-partisan support, and obvious public benefit – the Trump administrations Federal Communications Commission, led by Chairman Ajit Pai, ensured its repeal prior to it even being implemented.



April 3rd, 2017  REPEALED

President Trump signs congressional resolution to repealing the Internet Privacy Rule.

Internet Privacy Rule | Brookings Deregulation Tracker




  • Congress succeeded in repealing the Obama-era regulation despite zero Democrat votes and several Republican detractors.
Congress Overturns Internet Privacy Regulation | NPR (3.28.17)




The Scrapping Of Internet Privacy: Something We Can All Hate Together | The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (3.30.17)