Repealed the Open Internet Rule and Net Neutrality in favor of a ‘voluntary commitment’ by internet service providers to the principle.
The principle of Net Neutrality – which prevents internet service providers (ISPs) from creating privileged access to public telecommunications, or from discriminating against consumers or varying prices based on user, content, or website – is s rare piece of legislation in that it enjoys nearly-universal support from the U.S. public, regardless of political affiliation. When the Open Internet Rule (containing net neutrality provisions) was finalized by the Federal Communications Commission in 2015, it was even applauded by the United Nations.
Unsurprisingly though, this move towards public protection before ISP profits did not sit well with American corporations and telecommunication monopolists. And so, Trump appointee and FCC chairmen Ajit Pai – claiming internet service providers would simply commit to the principle voluntarily – repealed the celebrated Obama-era Open Internet Rule.
June 11th, 2018 REPEALED
Rule repealed by President Trump appointee and FCC Chairmen, Ajit Pai.
Net Neutrality | Brookings Deregulation Tracker
- Repeal of the Open Internet Rule will mow allow internet company to discriminate against consumers and create tiered or priority packages, throttling service to some and favoring others.
Unpacked: Repeal of Open Internet Rule enables monopoly networks | Brookings (7.3.18)
- Of 21.7 million public comments received by the FCC regarding net neutrality – 94% were duplicate, scripted comments, posted by bots from fake accounts, and of which the majority promoted anti-net neutrality lobbyist talking points.
Public Comments to the FCC About Net Neutrality Contain Many Inaccuracies and Duplicates | Pew Research Center (11.19.17)
- The Communication Act of 1934 created the FCC with a clear mandate to protect consumers of telecommunication services – contrary to the Trump administrations apparent aim.
The FCC’s net neutrality proposal: A shameful sham that sells out consumers | Brookings (11.21.17)
R.I.P. The Internet | The Late Show with Stephen Colbert (12.15.17)