Toxic Perchlorate Contamination Limits

Status: Unfavorable

Blocked the introduction of new water contamination limits of chemical in linked to fetal and infant brain damage.


Defying a court order that the Environmental Protection Agency must establish safe drinking levels of the common rocket fuel ingredient perchlorate, EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler neglected to establish a federal limits on the chemical.


The administration stated that it was “not in the public interest” to regulate a chemical which, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, is known to cause irrevocable damage to the IQ’s of developing babies.



June 18th, 2020  RULE DISREGARDED

EPA administrator Andrew Wheeler announces the EPA will ignore a court order mandating that the EPA determine safe-drinking levels of the chemical.




  • The EPA has long recognized perchlorate exposure to have adverse effects on human health, particularly to children and fetuses:

“The thyroid gland is the primary target of perchlorate toxicity in humans. Thyroid hormones play an important role in regulating metabolism and are critical for normal growth and development in fetuses, infants and young children.”

Technical Fact Sheet – Perchlorate | Environmental Protection Agency (Jan. 2014)


  • Wheeler also sought to overturn the actual underlying science which found perchlorate posed a serious health risk for as many as 16 million American citizens.
E.P.A. Won’t Regulate Toxic Compound Linked to Fetal Brain Damage | New York Times (6.18.20)